
Market overview of Common Data Environments (CDE)

This market overview offers for the first time comparative values between 18 common Common Data Environments (CDE) and shows that there are major differences between the individual solutions.

The construction and real estate industry is facing a turning point. The digital transformation is bringing about numerous changes. Building Information Modelling (BIM) is central to this, because BIM enables the creation of a digital model of a structure that can be used throughout its life cycle. 

BIM is often mentioned in the same breath as the Common Data Environments (CDE). The CDE is a cloud-based environment in which information from construction projects is stored and accessible to all project participants. The CDE includes, among other things, the BIM model and the Digital Twin.

Patrick Pick

Head of Service Unit BIM/LCDM

Ultimately, CDEs serve to transfer the building documentation into the target systems for real estate operations with as little effort as possible.

17 tools, 40 assessment criteria

The first analysis was carried out in spring 2023 and updated a year later. In the updated white paper, 17 project CDE solutions were analysed on the basis of around 40 evaluation indicators in the clusters of usability, information management, interfaces, file storage, BIM functions and data protection.  The survey produced a number of important findings and showed that there are major differences between the individual tools. You can read about these in the attached white paper.

The CDE is the starting point on the path to end-to-end data management and therefore plays a decisive role in determining whether the transfer of the building into operation is successful. As the central place for storing and managing project information, it remains relevant throughout the entire real estate life cycle. For this reason alone, it is worthwhile for the building owner to look into different CDE solutions.

pom+ supports building owners in defining the best possible set-up for their building project. Together, we determine the digital use cases for the building operation and, based on this, determine the necessary functional scope of a CDE solution.

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Your contact persons

Dr. Joachim Baldegger

Head of Service Unit Future Lab

Dr. sc. techn., dipl. Ing. ETH

Location Zurich

Patrick Pick

Head of Service Unit BIM/LCDM

M. Eng. in International Project Management

Location Zurich