Change Management

Accompanying organisations strategically and operationally in effective change management

Change is the only constant. The ability to counter innovation with efficient change management and effective action measures is therefore relevant for every organisation. We support you with stakeholder analyses, communication concepts and the implementation of relevant measures.

Our services

  • Development of a vision, goals and storyline to guide the action measures and as a basis for all communication
  • Develop a stakeholder analysis to identify project-relevant stakeholders and assess their influence and attitude towards the project and its objectives (stakeholder map).
  • Preparation of a needs analysis and a change GAP analysis to identify change dimensions based on the status quo and defined target aspects
  • Development of a change concept and derivation of action measures to be able to deal with change aspects (in the future)
  • Development of a communication concept and elaboration of target group-oriented communication
  • Implementation and/or monitoring of the defined action measures, such as change workshops, staff surveys, events, management coaching, training, etc.
  • Implementation and/or monitoring of the defined communication measures

The implementation new systems, the change of familiar processes and working methods or the reorganisation of a company causes uncertainty for many people. Transformation projects should therefore be closely accompanied and communicated transparently. Because change processes and initiatives often fail not because of the quality of the project results, the planning or the objectives, but because of the lack of involvement of the employees and those affected, the lack of commitment and example on the part of the managers or the lack of opportunities for discourse.

We support you in successfully anchoring new procedures, structures and processes in your organisation. We develop a change story and vision that engages employees and managers alike and demonstrates the need for change in a way that everyone can understand. We create a step-by-step guide for change management and define detailed measures that ensure the integration of employees. We also support you in the implementation and development of individual measures, moderate user workshops, create communication tools, support you in the institutionalisation of fixed events such as «New Work Day» or «New Leadership Day» and accompany you with training and coaching programmes. Furthermore, we create a communication concept that defines the responsibilities and guidelines for internal communication and ensure that no information gaps occur and create uncertainty, thus hindering the change process.

Do you have any questions? Our experts will be happy to help.


Dr. Tanja Pohle


Dr. sc. ETH

Location Zurich

Martin Diem

Director Bern



Location Bern

Rebekka Ruppel

CEO pom+Germany

M.Sc. ETH in Civil Engineering

Location Frankfurt