Organisational and process design

Manage companies and real estate effectively and efficiently thanks to professional organisation and process design

Ideally, a company functions like a perfectly synchronised clockwork so that employees can focus on the core business. This requires a well thought-out organisational structure and seamless processes. We support you in creating the right conditions for a productive, positive work culture - with organisational analyses, role models, process maps and management systems.

Our services

  • Carrying out organisational analyses
  • Stakeholder analysis and elaboration of role models
  • Development of process maps and process designs
  • Introduction of management systems
  • Definition of the organisational structure
  • Resource dimensioning of organisational and technical departments
  • Implementation of Cost and area benchmarking
  • Development of change management concepts incl. detailed action plan for the integration and support of employees
  • Development of communication concepts, guidelines and responsibilities in dealing with change processes

By organisation and process design we mean the conscious structuring and arrangement of a company's resources, activities and workflows in order to achieve its strategic and operational goals effectively and efficiently. This helps to avoid bottlenecks, redundant tasks and unnecessary complexity. Streamlined workflows and optimised processes enable efficient resource allocation, minimise waste and increase productivity, resulting in cost savings, transparent operations and improved overall performance.

This is becoming increasingly important in view of the changes in the world of work. This is because the intensification of work and the shortage of skilled workers mean that individuals have to do more tasks. The organisational structure and process design play a decisive role in effectively controlling the distribution of tasks and responsibilities and avoiding frustration. Also in the context of New Work ​​​​​​​organisational and process design is gaining significant importance in helping companies create a work culture that motivates, promotes employee engagement and enables better work-life blending. In this way, forward-looking organisational and process design not only pays dividends in terms of productivity, quality and customer satisfaction, but also increases employer attractiveness and employee satisfaction.

We support you not only in organisational questions regarding cooperation between different departments, roles and communication channels, but also in problems in real estate management. In both cases, we analyse and optimise specific workflows and procedures, determine weak points and identify the necessary steps, resources and decision points for each process. In doing so, we consistently focus on all stakeholders throughout the entire life cycle and develop sustainable management tools, for example for certification according to ISO 9001:2015.

Do you have any questions? Our experts will be happy to help.


Dr. Tanja Pohle


Dr. sc. ETH

Location Zurich

Martin Diem

Director Bern



Location Bern

Rebekka Ruppel

CEO pom+Germany

M.Sc. ETH in Civil Engineering

Location Frankfurt