Documentation FM Monitor Dashboard
General information
Different data bases depending on the type of use
In principle, owner and ancillary costs are combined for the cost benchmarks. For certain types of use, a deviation from this principle makes sense. For example, in the case of industrial buildings, the full costs are typically settled if the owner and user are identical. To take this into account, different cost bases are used in the calculation of the benchmarks depending on the type of use.
In the evaluation, you can see in the context menus (if you hold the cursor over a point) which data the calculation of the benchmark value is based on. In addition, you can see which costs your cost indicator includes. If the two bases do not match, the deviation from the benchmark should be interpreted with caution.
Summation of the cost types
The cost types in the FM Monitor are organised hierarchically (see Cost Types). However, due to the different account structures that flow into the data pool, not all costs can always be assigned to the individual FM Monitor cost types. These costs are shown in the evaluations as "Other management costs" or "Other operating costs". However, no benchmark values are shown for these.
When analysing the area-specific costs (CHF/m2), it should also be noted that the sum of the subordinate cost types does not necessarily have to correspond to the value of the superordinate cost type. The reason for this is that only cost types with balances greater than zero are used for calculating the medians. If only the operating costs are known for a property, but not the individual sub-items such as supply and disposal or cleaning, the costs of the property are included in the median of the operating costs, but not in the median for the sub-items. The second reason for deviations in the summation is the mathematical property of the median that the sum of the medians is not equal to the median of the sum.
Structure and functionalities of the evaluations
The results of the FM Monitor are no longer published as a static report, but as an interactive dashboard. This gives you the opportunity to control the analysis of your properties yourself and to address the issues that are relevant to you.
The dashboards are created with the software "Tableau" and are accessible via all modern web browsers. All participants of the FM Monitor receive their personal login information via email.
Since relatively large amounts of data have to be loaded for the displays, especially when they are opened for the first time, access via a fast internet connection is recommended.
You can read about the structure and functionalities of the evaluations in the following PDF.